Sunday 5 April 2020

Ellerton Gospel Hall: Palm Sunday Virtual Service - 05 April 2020


  1. Keep up the good work we were truely bless standing will you all in Prayer keep praying for us as we do the same for you all our God is Awesome love you all

    1. Amen and amen Jan & Theo! Indeed we thank God upon every remembrance of you (guys). Always in (every) prayer of ours for you, making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel. Birthday greetings Theo!

  2. Greetings from NY on this blessed Palm Sunday. It is indeed a privilege at this time of social distancing that we are able to come together on this special day and share the gospel. EGH has been favored with the opportunity to reach out and bring the word of God to the hearts of all during this period of shut-in. I must extend a special acknowledgement to Elder Hull for his inspiring message last Sunday, and to my Dear Elder Brathwaite today. To the entire EGH team, you are doing a marvelous work, and may God continue to bless you all. A Blessed & Happy Easter to all.
    Peace & love
    Jennifer C.

    1. Amen Sis Jennifer - unity (even across the seas) is strength! Humbled that God could use us in this way! May you continue to be safe - blessings upon you and yours!

  3. Uplifting wourds.Thanks to those who sent me the message.Felt at home.May God continue to bless you all.

  4. Glad you were able to join us Octalyn - amen and amen!
