Order of Service
Theme: “The Touch of Jesus”
Hymn I stand amazed in the presence
Opening Prayers
• As The deer pants
• Bless The Lord, O my soul
• O Lord, our God
• He is exalted
Praise and Thanksgiving
Scripture Reading: Matt. 14: 34–36; Luke 18:15
Hymn Healing God, Almighty Father
Praise and Thanksgiving
Hymn Here O my Lord
The Lord’s Supper
Hymn He touched me (1st Verse)
Message: Bro. Benson Hull
Closing Hymn He touched me
Closing Prayer
Preacher Benson Hull spoke on ‘The Touch of Jesus’. He stated that a ‘touch’ can be a powerful thing, and that Jesus offers the right diagnostic touch for our lives. He identified six types of ‘touch’.
In referencing Mark 1:40–45, Bro. Hull informed that we need the cleansing touch of Jesus because we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Psalm 46:10 speaks of the quietening touch of Jesus. We live in a restless world of crime and war which can keep us unquiet and agitated. However, Col. 3:15 reminds us that we should let the peace of God rule in our hearts.
In referring to the illuminating touch of Jesus, John 8:12, we were told that Jesus is the light of the world and He gives us illumination from the darkness of this world. Bro. Hull further implored us that we need to have the light of Christ, not only to illumine our lives, but also to assist us in choices and decisions that we make.
Mark 7:31–35 addresses the liberating touch of Jesus through which a deaf-mute was healed. In the same way, Jesus wants to bring liberty and freedom to our lives. He wants us to realise freedom habits, sins and practices that enslave us.
There is the reassuring touch to boost our confidence and assure us of Jesus’ forgiveness for the many years that we may have spurned him, Matt. 17:1–7.
Finally, there is the restoring touch, Luke 22. When we get tired and weary and need Jesus, he offers us vital restoration.
Whatever your need and condition, you can experience the benefit in simply asking God to ‘touch’ you now, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!